Getting Gold: User feedback best practices
The purpose of this content is to help you with the task of connecting with our merchant customers to understand and communicate to product the concerns, desires, frustrations of Salon/Spa operators with the goal of improving our product.
Pre requisites:
- Understanding of the industry
- Understanding of industry and individual salon challenges
- In depth Reach product knowledge
- Understanding of the Reach Product Feedback form uses and process for product enhancement
- Understanding of the challenges Reach solves for merchants
- Inquisitive mindset
- Merchants want to help us help them
- Reach does a great job, but can ALWAYS get better
- Reach will never be 100% complete
- Merchant feedback is GOLD
- I love Reach because _____
- I wish Reach could do _______
- I don’t like Reach because ____
- If they leave off the “because”, that is your chance to probe
- Build rapport
- Empathize
- Establish credibility
- Communicate the process
- All feedback is important to us
- All feedback is communicate to our product team
- “Production issues” take the highest priority, we will drop everything to solve these
- Product suggestions: every suggestion gets submitted to the Product team
- Studied and prioritized
- Nothing is unimportant, dig deeper..
- Ask relevant questions
- Do not commit to timelines unless one is provided to you
- Most important: ask questions about the problem, do not try to solution.
Good probing questions
- Tell me, in as much detail as you can, what the problem is?
- How does this issue affect your business operations?
- Do you/employees loose productivity?
- Does it create a bad client experience?
- Do you lose clients?
- How many employees or clients does the affect?
- How much time do you spend on this daily/weekly?
- How often does this problem happen?
- If you had this feature, how much time/money would it save you daily/weekly?
- How do you solve this issue now? Who does it?
- If you could wave a magic wand, how would Reach solve the problem?
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